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Book Reviews

Glen Canyon: An Archaeological Summary. Jesse D. Jennings, Foreword by Don D. Fowler. Univer­sity of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1998

  • Jonathan E. Reyman


The last few years have seen the appearance of reprints of earlier reports of archaeological field­ work, e.g., Pueblo Bonito (1920) by George H. Pepper reprinted in 1996 by the University of New Mexico Press. Now the University of Utah Press has re-issued Glen Canyon: An Archaeological Summary by Jesse D. Jennings, originally published in 1966 under the title, Glen Canyon: A Sum­ mary as University of Utah Anthropological Paper 81 (Glen Canyon Series 31). Whether the re­ issuance of earlier reports represents a long-term publishing program or just a short-term fad remains to be seen. The development, however. is a welcome one, especially because many of these earlier reports - long out-of-print- are expensive to purchase and are rarely available. For example, recent asking prices for copies of Pueblo Bonito advertised by used booksellers in their catalogs were from $80-120.

Year: 1999
Volume: 9 Issue: 2
Page/Article: 26-28
DOI: 10.5334/bha.09206
Published on Nov 29, 1999