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Discourses on the History of Archaeology

Andean Archaeological History and the Popular Press

  • David L. Browman


The only available published reports on many archaeological sites in theAndes often are found solely in the popular press, in the daily or weekly papers of the local region where the sites occur, or in the science and culture sections of the larger dailies in departmental or national capitals. Dog-eared, faded xeroxes are passed from one generation of students to the next. Each serious scholar has a few dozen of these articles. which contain the only stratigraphic photo, the new lost stela, the diagnostic elements of the newly defined style, to be found no where else.
Year: 1995
Volume: 5 Issue: 1
Page/Article: 4-6
DOI: 10.5334/bha.05103
Published on May 1, 1995
Peer Reviewed