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Book Reviews

Assembling the Past: Studies in the Professionalization of Archaeology, edited by Alice B Kehoe and Mary Beth Emmerichs, 1999

  • David L. Browman


The Assembling The Past volume, which focuses upon the issues of discrimination and marginalization in archaeology, is the delayed publication of two 1989 symposia dedicated to the history of archaeology - one in January of that year at the First Joint Archaeological Congress in Baltimore, chaired by Alice Kehoe and Jane Waldbaum, and the other in November at the 88th annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, chaired by Nathan Reyman. Because of the time delay, in some cases the chapter authors have already published later papers, building on their presentations, so that the reader may already be familiar with part of the arguments presented. Nevertheless, I evaluate this work as a "must have" for any student of the history of Americanist archaeology.

Year: 2000
Volume: 10 Issue: 2
Page/Article: 7-11
DOI: 10.5334/bha.10205
Published on Nov 29, 2000