
Welcome to the last issue of the 20th volume of the Bulletin. As usual we have an eclectic mix of essays, book reviews and conference reports drawn from around the world. In this number we publish another paper from the HARN (History of Archaeology Research Network) by Ana Martins on the relationships between the practice of archaeology in Iberia under dictatorship, and reports of three important meetings related to our field. Jim Allen revisits one of the most interesting passages of the early history of archaeology in Australia and Alessandro Guidi sketches a history of Italian prehistoric archaeology.

As usual I remind subscribers of the value of contributing to the BHA, even if it is only with suggestions concerning publications either by yourselves or by others. The continued success of the BHA relies on your continued involvement, both passive and active. Please draw the existence of the BHA (and its website www.archaeologybulletin.org) to the attention of anyone with an interest in the history of archaeology.

I thank Susan Bridekirk for sub-editorial assistance and Wei Ming for the production of 20(2). Thanks also to the anonymous reviewers of the three papers. Your assistance is invaluable.

Tim Murray FSA FAHA