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  • Douglas R. Givens


I had the great pleasure of being invited to attend the first organized session of the history of Canadian archaeol­ogy that was held during the May 1994 annual meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association"in Edmonton. Alberta. The session was an excellent survey of the various aspects of the history of Canadian archaeology. I came away from the session knowing a great deal more about the origins and development of Canadian archaeology than I had hoped. Dr. William Taylor (Archaeological Survey of Canada. Canadian Museum of Civilization) and Ms. Pamela Smith (Cambridge University) did an excellent job of organizing the session which was very well attended by members of the CAA.

Abstracts of the papers delivered during the session can be found in section VI of this issue of the Bulletin. After the conclusion of the day long session, the session participants gathered to discuss the possibility of creating an edited volume of the papers presented. It was decided that the volume should appear under the auspices of the Canadian Archaeological Association. Readers of the Bulletin who desire to know more about the history of Canadian archaeology should eagerly await its appearance in about a year.

Published on May 1, 1994