Publications suggested by subscribers

From Andrew Christenson:

Wilcox, David R. 2010. Seizing the Moment: Collaboration and Cooperation in the Founding and Growth of the Museum of Northern Arizona, 1928–2008. Journal of the Southwest 52(4) entire issue.

Ferg, Alan and Richard A. Schwartzlose (eds) 2010. Norton Allen: The Legacy of a Southwestern Artist and Avocational Archaeologist. Journal of the Southwest 52(2–3) entire issue.

From Alice Kehoe:

Smith, Joshua D. 2011. Egypt and the Origin of Civilization: the British School of Culture Diffusion, 1890s–1940s, volume 1. Vindication Press.

Based on a doctoral thesis in European History completed in 2005, this book addresses a number of myths, about the theories of Grafton Eliot Smith, W. J. Perry and W. H. R. Rivers, that have emerged in the disciplinary histories of anthropology, archaeology and ethnology. It comprises a thorough examination of primary source material regarding the Heliolithic school of cultural diffusion, and an analysis of diffusionism as it developed over time.